Handok launches “Woolgeum Theracurmin 30,” featuring an absorption rate 28 times higher than curcu

  • 2015.07.13
  • 85

Recommended by star chef Sam Kim!

Handok launches Woolgeum Theracurmin 30,” featuring an absorption rate 28 times higher than curcumin

          Product contains theracurmin, which has an absorption rate 28 times higher than curcumin. Curcumin is extracted from curcuma, the main component of curry.

          Since the strong taste and aroma of curcuma powder has been removed, this product can be freely added to various foods and drinks.

          A video has been produced that introduces various recipes, developed by star chef Sam Kim, using Woolgeum Theracurmin 30.


Handok (Chairman and CEO: Kim Young-jin) has launched a product called Woolgeum Theracurmin 30 featuring an absorption rate 28 times higher than curcumin, which is extracted from curcuma, the main component of curry. Woolgeum Theracurmin 30 is a powder that can be consumed as is or added to food or drinks.

Curcumin is the component that gives curry its yellow color. Recently, with the numerous discoveries of curcumin’s diverse health benefits, more people have been consuming curcumin in the form of curcuma (“woolgeum,” in Korean) powder to improve their health. However, curcuma powder has a particular taste and strong aroma, which limits its use in food. In addition, as the molecular size of curcumin is quite large, it does not dissolve easily in water, giving it a low absorption rate.  

Woolgeum Theracurmin 30 contains theracurmin, which is made up of small particles derived from natural curcumin. In particular, its production process increases its absorption rate by 28 times. The product contains 30 milligrams of curcumin per gram, and although it has the particular yellow color of curcumin, it lacks the strong taste and aroma. This makes it easy to add to any kind of food or drinks. As such, people can now consume curcumin conveniently by adding Woolgeum Theracurmin 30 to foods eaten on a daily basis, such as rice dishes and stews as well as yogurt and various drinks and snacks.

Park Mi-suk, an executive in Handok’s Consumer Health Division, announced that the amount of curcumin in one gram of Woolgeum Theracurmin 30 is equivalent to that found in approximately 151 grams of curcuma powder. By regularly sprinkling Woolgeum Theracurmin 30 on food, an average diet can be made much healthier.”

Woolgeum Theracurmin 30 can be purchased online or via the telephone (1588-4840). As the company plans to expand its distribution network, it may become possible to purchase it at discount shops, convenience stores, and drug stores in the future. The cost of a 100-gram bottle, which could be kept on a dining table, is KRW 38,000, while a 100-gram pouch is KRW 35,000 and a one-gram pocket-size package containing 10 sticks is KRW 10,000.

In cooperation with star chef Sam Kim and food therapist Kim Yeon-su, Handok produced a video introducing various recipes using Woolgeum Theracurmin 30. The video was broadcast on cable TV and Internet channels.
