Handok Releases Four New Health Functional Food Formulas: NatureSet Freyja, Featuring Celebrity Su-jin Park in Advertising
Handok (Chairman & CEO Young-jin Kim) released four types of NatureSet Freyja, a functional food for weight control, featuring the famous female star “Su-jin Park” in the advertisement. She shares her diet tips in the commercial video.
This newly released NatureSet Freyja offers four different options for customers to choose from, depending on their weight-loss plans, with an aim to aid in each individual’s effort to achieve the best result. For instance, “Fat Burning Diet: Body fat burner” is best designed to help those working out to lose weight, while the “Cut and Block Diet: Preventing carbohydrates from turning into fat”, is advised for dieters hoping to control their appetite in order to get lean.
More specific information on each formula is as follows: “Fat Burning Diet: Body fat burner” gives a synergistic effect on the exercise regimen and its main ingredient is Xanthigen which is composed of extracts from seaweed and pomegranate seed oil. The results of a clinical trial showed that an intake of 600mg of Xanthigen increased basal metabolism approximately 400 kcal per day. The “Cut and Block Diet: Preventing carbohydrates from turning into fat”, is for dieters who opt for eating less. Containing ingredients of Garcinia Cambogia (HCA), it prevents carbohydrates from turning into fat, helping to reduce body fat. This formula is water soluble and is thus best taken with water or milk. They come in two flavors: taro flavored powder to be blended with milk and an orange flavored one to be taken with water. “Water Diet: Drinks for hydration” is great for those who focus on hydration for lean living. It contains ingredients of Garcinia Cambogia and comes in two flavors: green tea flavor and corn silk tea flavor. “Beauty Nutrition: For nutritional balance” delivers nutrients that dieters tend to lack during the weight-control period. This formula contains 11 types of vitamins as main ingredients and other minor ingredients include hyaluronic acid.
NatureSet Freyja can be purchased at large discount stores, major online shopping malls, and the NatureSet website (www.naturesetmall.com).