HANDOK Pharm to Exclusively Sell IOP Monitoring Device ‘SENSIMED Triggerfish®’ in Korea

  • 2010.06.11
  • 88

May 25, 2010


HANDOK Pharmaceuticals Ltd. announced it will sell exclusively in Korea SENSIMED Triggerfish® , a tool for continuous monitoring of fluctuations in intra-ocular pressure developed by Sensimed AG.


Sensimed AG is a Swiss medical devices company with its principal focus on design, development, and commercialization of integrated micro-systems for medical devices.


SENSIMED Triggerfish® is a revolutionary device to monitor IOP continuously up to 24 hours for the management of related diseases such as glaucoma. The device would be available in Korea from 2013 after clinical trials in Korea.


“Glaucoma is a high prevalence disease that affects nearly 1 million people in Korea and I hope SENSIMED Triggerfish will benefit Korean patients for their treatment,” said Young-Jin Kim, CEO and Chairman of Handok Pharmaceuticals.


“We are very excited to cooperate with HANDOK Pharmaceuticals as our first partner in Asia and I hope forthcoming clinical trials will produce positive results that will help make this device useful in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma also in Korea,” said Jean-Marc Wismer, CEO of Sensimed AG
