Handok Publishes First Sustainability Management Report Highlighting Achievements and Progress in 2023

  • 2024.07.03
  • 247
Handok Publishes First Sustainability Management Report Highlighting Achievements and Progress in 2023

In celebration of its 70th anniversary, Handok has published its first Sustainability Management Report. This report goes beyond showcasing business performance, transparently disclosing how Handok is working towards a better future and engaging in open communication.

Handok has long internalized and continuously practiced sustainable management. Recognized for these efforts, Handok received the highest score among domestic listed companies in the ESG evaluation conducted by the Sustainable Development Institute in 2020 and achieved an integrated A grade in the ESG evaluation of listed companies announced by the Korea Corporate Governance Service (KCGS) in 2023.

The '2024 Sustainability Management Report' includes Handok's journey in sustainable management and key activities and achievements in 2023. Handok has identified 'Sustainable Growth' true to its essence as a total healthcare company, 'Trust' in securing healthy governance, 'Coexistence' in creating a healthy society, and 'Eco-friendliness' in creating a healthy environment as core values of sustainable management and has been continuously practicing them.

In preparing the report, Handok conducted a materiality assessment to understand the demands and expectations of various stakeholders. Through this, seven key issues were identified: ▲ Greenhouse gas reduction ▲ Waste reduction and resource recycling ▲ Use of eco-friendly, sustainable certified raw materials ▲ Safety and quality of products and services ▲ Employee capacity building and fair evaluation ▲ Compliance/ethical management and fair trade ▲ Digital healthcare & AI innovation. Handok has included the performance and plans for these key issues in the 2024 Sustainability Management Report and plans to continue its sustainable management activities based on these key issues, transparently disclosing the process and results.

Handok Chairman Kim YoungJin stated, "For 70 years, Handok has been innovating to contribute to healthy lives and has been leading practices to contribute to a sustainable future. We will continue to uphold our corporate philosophy of doing things right and growing together, striving to achieve both social value and economic growth."

The Handok 2024 Sustainability Management Report has been prepared in accordance with the 'GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standards', the global standard for sustainability management reports. Detailed information can be found on the Handok website.